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Tips for Writing Effective Prompts in Spellbook
Tips for Writing Effective Prompts in Spellbook

How to write the best prompts for doing specific or targeted reviews with Spellbook.

Written by Sarah Beatty
Updated over a week ago

Table of Contents:

To get the best results when using Spellbook to review specific aspects of documents, use Custom Review (found under the Reviews feature). With Custom Reviews you can instruct Spellbook on exactly how you want it to review your document, just like you would with a legal assistant doing a first pass.

You must write high-quality prompts to get the best results when doing a Custom Review of your document. These prompts should:

  1. Be Specific: Mention exactly what you want to review, like "Check all instances of 'confidential information' for consistency."

  2. Provide Context: Specify the document type and party position, e.g., "In this sales agreement, ensure warranties favor the seller." You can also add this context under the Review instructions.

  3. Use Synonyms: Include related terms to capture all mentions, such as "termination" and "cancellation."

  4. Cross-Reference: Ask the AI to ensure consistency across sections, like "Match payment obligations in Section 4 with the financial schedules."

To help save you time, you can also save these custom review prompts as Playbooks. Learn more here.

Use Cases & Prompt Examples

1. Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)

  • Use Case: You need to ensure all confidentiality terms are comprehensive.

  • Example Spellbook Prompt: "Review all mentions of 'confidentiality' and 'non-disclosure' to confirm mutual obligations and align with industry standards."

2. Purchase Agreement

  • Use Case: You're drafting a purchase agreement and want to ensure the purchase price clauses are accurate.

  • Example Spellbook Prompt: "Analyze all instances of 'purchase price' adjustments to ensure they reflect current market valuations and protect the buyer’s interests."

3. Employment Contract

  • Use Case: You need to confirm that non-compete clauses are enforceable.

  • Example Spellbook Prompt: "Examine all 'non-compete' and 'non-solicitation' clauses for enforceability under jurisdiction law and ensure they do not overreach."

4. Lease Agreement

  • Use Case: Ensuring tenant obligations are fair and lawful.

  • Example Spellbook Prompt: "Review all mentions of 'tenant obligations' to ensure they are balanced with landlord responsibilities and compliant with local regulations."

Examples of Ways to Translate Your Requests into Spellbook Prompts

  1. Ensure all terms align

    • What a Lawyer Might Say: "Ensure all references to [specific term] are uniform throughout the document."

    • The Spellbook Prompt to Write: "Check for consistency across all instances of [specific term]."

  2. Review enforceability

    • What a Lawyer Might Say: "Determine if the [specific clause] can be upheld in court."

    • The Spellbook Prompt to Write: "Assess the enforceability of the [specific clause] under [jurisdiction]."

  3. Protect the client's interests

    • What a Lawyer Might Say: "Ensure the document is drafted to protect [client's name]'s rights."

    • The Spellbook Prompt to Write: "Favor [client's name] in all applicable clauses, particularly in [specific sections]."

  4. Check for compliance

    • What a Lawyer Might Say: "Ensure the document complies with [specific law or regulation]."

    • The Spellbook Prompt to Write: "Verify that all terms meet [specific regulation or standard]."

  5. Analyze risk exposure

    • What a Lawyer Might Say: "Assess the document for any clauses that could increase our client's risk."

    • The Spellbook Prompt to Write: "Evaluate all indemnity and liability clauses for potential risk exposure."

  6. Clarify Ambiguities

    • What a Lawyer Might Say: "Spot unclear terms or phrases that could lead to misinterpretation."

    • The Spellbook Prompt to Write: "Identify and flag any ambiguous language in the document."

  7. Check for Completeness

    • What a Lawyer Might Say: "Verify that the document covers all essential elements."

    • The Spellbook Prompt to Write: "Ensure all necessary clauses are present, especially regarding [specific section]."

  8. Standardize Terminology

    • What a Lawyer Might Say: "Confirm that terminology is applied uniformly."

    • The Spellbook Prompt to Write: "Ensure consistent use of key terms throughout the document."

  9. Check for Drafting Errors

    • What a Lawyer Might Say: "Ensure the document is free of typographical errors or formatting inconsistencies."

    • The Spellbook Prompt to Write: "Scan for any drafting errors or inconsistencies in formatting."

  10. Review for Jurisdictional Compliance

    • What a Lawyer Might Say: "Ensure all clauses align with legal requirements in [jurisdiction]."

    • The Spellbook Prompt to Write: "Check the document for compliance with the laws of [specific jurisdiction]."

Additional Prompt Examples for Transactional Lawyers:


Example Prompts

Ensure Consistency in Definitions

"Review all defined terms for consistency across the document."

Verify Payment Terms

"Check all payment clauses to ensure they accurately reflect the agreed-upon terms and timelines."

Assess Transfer of Ownership

"Evaluate all clauses related to the transfer of ownership to confirm they are clearly defined and protect the client's rights."

Review Governing Law Clauses

"Ensure the governing law clause is appropriate for the transaction and favors the client."

Examine Termination Provisions

"Analyze all termination provisions to ensure they provide adequate protection for the client and are enforceable."

Check for Intellectual Property Protections

"Review all intellectual property clauses to ensure they properly secure the client's IP rights."

Analyze Dispute Resolution Clauses

"Review all dispute resolution provisions to confirm they are aligned with the client's preferences and legal strategy."

Confirm Assignment Rights

"Check all assignment clauses to ensure they allow or restrict transfer of rights according to the client's needs."

Review Force Majeure Clauses

"Examine the force majeure clause to ensure it covers relevant events and appropriately balances the parties' risks."

Evaluate Confidentiality Obligations

"Review all confidentiality obligations to ensure they are comprehensive and enforceable."

See also our Best Practices for Writing Playbooks for additional examples of multiple prompt instructions to use depending on the use case.

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