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Getting Started with Spellbook

How to Use Spellbook, a complete overview

Written by Sarah Beatty
Updated over 2 months ago

Table of Contents:

When to use Spellbook:

Tip: Spellbook's two main use cases are :

1) Document review - use Spellbook to ensure you don't miss a thing in your reviews and give you creative suggestions for how to improve your document.

2) Document drafting - use Spellbook to draft new language in your document, repurpose precedent language or draft full documents if you don't have a template that works.

Using Spellbook for Document Reviews

Tip: There are 3 features focused on document review in Spellbook:

1) Benchmarks - to analyze your document against a set of standards/requirements and ensure nothing is missing.

2) Review - an AI generated redline and mark-up, think of this like having an assistant take a first pass at your document.

3) Playbooks - to direct Spellbook on exactly how you want it to review your document. Add your own rules, questions you want answered and required text/clauses with your own playbooks.

How to Use Benchmarks for Document Review

1. To start a document review, start with Benchmark. It will give you a quick overview of what is missing and where you will want to start your review.

2. Under Benchmark you'll see a score for how much of the document is meeting the industry/document standards. See what is missing by clicking on Missed.

3. You can then click to see any of the areas of the document requiring edits or missing sections.

4. When you see something that is flagged, you can click "Go To" to go to the section of the document it is referencing.

5. Click "Show Fix" to see the suggestion Spellbook is making to correct or improve the document section.

6. Click "Insert Fix" to apply it to your document as a redline.

7. To generate your own custom standards/requirements to analyze your document and future documents against, click "Create a Standard"

8. Spellbook will generate a set of rules and requirements based on a document you give it. You can either use a template or an existing playbook document and Spellbook will start to generate rules to match.

9. Click "Browse" to select the document you'd like Spellbook to refer to as it generates rules/requirements

10. Define how detailed you want the rules to be, select General & Core Terms for more high level rules and Nuanced & All Terms for more details rules.

11. Click "Create Standard"

12. Spellbook will then generate a set of rules based on the document you uploaded. You can then edit the rules in plain language to adjust to your needs.

13. To add additional rules, click "Add Rule" and type in the rule/requirement you want in plain language.

14. All Custom Standards you generate in Benchmarks will be automatically saved for you and your team to have access to and repurpose on future documents.

Because of this, it is important to give the set of rules an easy to identify name for you and your team to search for in the future.

15. You should also fill in the description to give more context about when to use this standard.

16. Click "Save Custom Standard"

17. You can then start analyzing your document against these rules/requirements by clicking "Run Benchmark With This Standard"

18. To find and reuse these standards in the future, under Benchmark click "More Standards"

19. Search for the Custom Standard you want and simply click on the one you want to use and it will start running.

How to Use Reviews for Document Reviews

20. For the other document review feature, Reviews, go to the Assistant tab.

21. Click "Review"

22. Choose which type of Review you'd like to run. General Review, Negotiate or Custom Instructions.

  • Use General Review for an overview review of the document.

  • Use Negotiate to have changes that favour a specific party.

  • Use Custom Instructions to tailor how you’d like Spellbook to review your document.

23. Select the party you represent from the pre-populated dropdown so that Spellbook will give suggestions that are more advantageous to your party.

24. To improve the quality of review suggestions make sure to toggle on the Add Deal Context and type in any additional context about the deal or your client that will help the review.

25. Click "Start"

26. Once Review suggestions appear, click on the arrow to see where in the document it applies.

27. To insert the suggestion, click "Apply Change"

28. To go back to the main review page click the back arrow at the top.

29. If you want to run a custom review to look for specific things in your document, click "Custom Review"

30. Type in any specific instructions you have for how you want the document reviewed. Think of this like giving instructions to an assistant for exactly what you want them to look for.

31. When you're ready, click the arrow to start the custom review.

32. If you want to repurpose these custom review instructions, click on Save as Playbook to access them again in the future.

33. You can also save these custom review instructions by clicking on the bookmark in the top of the page and it will save these instructions before you run the custom review.

34. This is also where you can create and save additional custom review instructions.

35. When saving the custom review instructions, you can make them accessible for just you by selecting Personal or Organization to have it accessible for any other team members using Spellbook.

36. You can also use the search button to find saved custom instructions faster.

How to Use Playbooks for Document Reviews

37. The final feature you can use for document review is Playbooks.

Playbooks are intended to run a set of automated checks against the document. You can set up specific things you want Spellbook to review documents for and use your existing document specific playbooks as a guide for what you want Spellbook to do.

38. When you first open Playbooks, you'll see that Spellbook will automatically generate it's own Playbook for you based on the type of document you have open. This is a series of checks we recommend based on industry standards.

39. If you click on the pre-generated playbook you'll see it will tell you if the document "Passes" or "Fails" the requirement with a checkmark for when it passes and a red circle for if it fails.

40. You can click into each of the sections and see an explanation for why it "Passed" or "Failed" by clicking AI Reasoning.

41. If it has failed, Spellbook will propose changes you can make to correct it. Click on Add Language to see the suggestion Spellbook has made.

42. To add the suggested change, click "Insert Change" and it will apply as a redline in the document.

43. To generate your own custom Playbook, under the Playbook tab (found under Review) click New Playbook.

44. Give it an appropriate title and select who should have access to it. If you want it to remain personal, select Personal, if you want to share it with your team select Organization.

45. Start adding to your Playbook.

  • Use a rule for validating that the contract meets some criteria and can generate a suggestion when it doesn't

  • Use a question for data extraction i.e. finding something in the document

  • Use Preferred Language for adding specific examples or language you want to include in a document if a criteria is or isn't met.

  • Use Reviewer's Note for an internal reference/check. Basically for a quick reference of operating instructions.

  • Use Suggested Comments as an Add Comment button that can apply suggestions to the relevant text.

46. To add a rule to your playbook, click "Add Rule"

47. Type in your rules in plain language and click "Done" to save each individual rule.

48. To see if the rule would work, click "Test" and it will run in the document and give you an example output which can help you understand if it works for your Playbook.

49. To add a question, click "Questions"

50. Click "Add Question"

51. Type in the question you want the Playbook to check/answer. For example, "is the jurisdiction New York?"

52. You can also get Spellbook to auto-generate a Playbook for you. Click on the Start Playbook Wizard icon.

53. Type in any instructions for how you want Spellbook to build the Playbook for you. Then click Generate Playbook.

54. It will then generate some rules for you based on your instructions. Click on the rules tab to review what has been generated and make any changes required.

55. Edit the auto-generated rules by clicking on the rule and clicking on the pencil icon to the right of the rule. Or remove it by clicking the garbage icon.

56. Edit the rule by typing in the changes you'd like made and click Done when complete.

57. To save your custom generated Playbook, click "Save"

58. You can always see some default Playbooks Spellbook has by clicking Starter under the Playbooks tab.

59. To find and repurpose your saved Playbooks, click "Yours"

Using Spellbook for Drafting

Tip: There are 3 features in Spellbook to help you with document drafting:

1) Draft Feature - a multi-purpose feature to use anytime you need to generate additional language. Use it to draft new clauses, write follow up emails to clients or summary advice for a client.

2) Draft Full Document - use Spellbook to draft a new document from scratch. It can be used for everything from writing a letter to generating new templates for you to use.

3) Clause Library - easily find precedent language you want to repurpose with Spellbook's Clause Library and add it to your document in seconds.

60. To access Spellbook's drafting features, click "Draft"

How to Use Draft for Drafting Additional Language

61. To generate language or write follow up emails for clients click New Clause.

Ways you can use Draft:

  1. Ask it to write clauses for your document. Be as specific as possible and it will generate a clause for you to add. An example prompt could be "Write a limited liability clause that benefits my client ABC".

  2. Ask it to summarize changes in the document. An example prompt could be "summarize changes in this document in 300 words or less".

  3. Write a follow-up email to your client. An example prompt could be "Write an email to my client summarizing the changes I've made and explain why I made them. Make it 300 words or less."

  4. Ask it to write a letter or pleading. An example prompt could be "Write a letter to X about Y event"

  5. Ask it to summarize advice for you to share with a client. An example prompt could be "Write a summary of what the new Working for Workers Act could mean for my client"​

62. When you're happy with what has been drafted, click where in the document you want to apply this language and then click Insert at Cursor.

63. It will then insert into your document for you. Make sure to turn on Track Changes first if you want to track these additions.

64. To copy anything you've drafted to your email or another document, click the Copy to Clipboard button and paste it wherever you want it.

65. Click the back arrow to return to the home page.

How to Draft a Document from Scratch

66. To draft a document from scratch, under the Draft tab, click New Document

67. Type in the document type you want to generate

68. Add jurisdiction and any additional details you want to add.

69. Click "Generate Document Outline" and it will generate a framework you can easily fill out details in. Any sections you haven't added details about will generate with standard language.

70. Spellbook will then generate the entire document for you in a few minutes. Once complete, you can insert it into your document by clicking Generate Document.

71. When you're happy with the document that has been generated, click Insert All to insert in your document.

How to Use Clause Library to Repurpose Language from Precedents

72. The final drafting feature you can use is Clause Library. The Clause Library allows you to upload precedent documents to easily repurpose language in future documents.

To access it, go to the Settings bar to the left of the Assistant tab.

73. To start searching your Clause Library for language to find and repurpose from other documents, click on Search Clause Library. NOTE- make sure to upload documents to your Clause Library before your first search. See instructions below.

74. Type in the keyword or clause name you want to find in the search box

75. You can filter the results by clicking Filter and selecting the folder you want to search from.

76. Spellbook will then search your Clause Library of precedent documents you've uploaded and show you any language that matches your search. You can save your favourite language/clauses by clicking on the Bookmark icon.

77. You can also remove any of the search results that aren't relevant by clicking on the Delete icon. NOTE- it will not delete from your Library, it is simply removing this search result from your screen.

78. You can see which file it comes from at the bottom so you can quickly reference if it is appropriate.

79. To insert this language into your document and repurpose it, click Draft.

80. Make any changes to the language, update terms by clicking on the text box and changing it.

81. Select where in the document you want to apply this language.

82. Then click Insert at Cursor to add it to your document.

83. To add documents to your Clause Library, go to the Settings bar

84. Click "Clause Library"

85. Create a new folder to organize your documents by clicking New Connection

86. Determine who should have access to your Library folder, mark is as Personal if it's just for you and Organization if you want it accessible by the team.

87. Once you have your folder set up, you need to upload any documents you want referenceable. Click on the Upload button.

88. Click "File" and upload any files you want in your Clause Library. Once uploaded, you're ready to start using the Clause Library to search for the key language you want to repurpose.

Asking Spellbook Questions

89. You can also use the Ask tab to start a conversation with Spellbook, just like any AI tool. Type in the question you have (such as what are the payment terms) and it will review the document and give you an answer.

90. You can copy the message Spellbook gives you if you want to use it somewhere else by clicking on the Copy Message button.

Getting Support In- App

91. For any questions or support you might need, there is an in-app Support chat for you. Click on the question icon in the bottom right side of the screen.

92. You can start a live chat with Spellbook's support team or search for a question you have in our Help Centre.

Have questions? Reach out to Spellbook's Support at

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