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Comparing Word Documents

A step-by-step guide to quickly comparing two word documents, easily spotting differences, and marking up changes between them.

Written by Mustafa Jamal
Updated over 8 months ago

1. In the "Review" ribbon, click the Compare icon and choose "Compare Documents.

2. Your "Original Document" is the one with one being compared. For example, the unedited contract you receive from a client.

3. Your "Revised Document" is the one you are comparing against. For example, a template contract used at your firm.

4. Add a name to "Label Changes With" to mark comments on each of the changes made.

5. Click "New document" to ensure both compared documents remain unchanged in case you need to refer back to them.

6. Click "OK" to begin the mark up process.

7. A new document will be created merging both together, redlining the areas where different text was replaced, and commenting what verbiage was removed.

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